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About us

Attleborough Hall Farm is run by two brothers, Ben and Tim.

Tim runs the arable and contracting side of the business

and Ben is in charge of the dairy.


On the arable side we grow wheat, barley, oil seed rape and sugar beet

along with maize which is used to feed the cows in winter.


Our 300 cows are milked twice a day by our herdsman producing deliciously

creamy whole milk. Most of the milk is collected every other day from the farm

by the processor who take the milk to be processed and bottled

or turned into other dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt.

The rest of the milk is delivered directly to our vending machine.

You just can’t find it any fresher than that!


With the farm being located on the outskirts of Attleborough, we decided that an on-farm vending machine would be the

perfect way to share our delicious milk with the local community while also helping connect people with where their milk

comes from.


Ben has two daughters Eva and Tilly. The idea for the name Daisy's Milk Shed came about

because when Eva was a baby, she was given a toy cow named Daisy and they have been inseparable ever since!














When you come and visit Daisy’s Milk Shed you will often see the cows out grazing in the fields along the drive.

Our cows live out on the grass for most of the year until it gets too wet and cold, when they then come inside to the sheds

for the winter. Our cows are farmed in a low intensity system to ensure they live happy and healthy lives and in turn produce

lovely healthy milk.

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